Palm Pre Plus vs. BlackBerry Storm2

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“Two of Verizon Wireless’ top smartphones are going head to head in an in-depth comparison. We have the Palm Pre Plus, it runs webOS and features the best multitasking user experience on the market. And we have the BlackBerry Storm2, which runs BlackBerry OS 5.0 and features unmatched messaging capabilities. Which do I feel is a better smartphone? Read on to find out.
Let’s go over the specs real quick. The Palm Pre Plus has a 3.1” capacitive touchscreen at 320 x 480 resolution with multitouch capabilities. It has a full physical QWERTY keyboard, 3 megapixel camera with flash, all packed into a riverstone-like frame. The BlackBerry Storm2 9550 has a 3.25” capacitive SurePress touchscreen at 360 x 480 resolution. It has a unique touchscreen dubbed “SurePress” which uses four electronic actuators to make it feel like a click on a hardware keyboard. It also packs a 3 megapixel camera with auto focus and flash, and features unrivaled email capabilities.” Read more here: