“Despite expectations that Ovi Maps 3.3 with free navigation would hit the Nokia N97 in a firmware update, it has popped up on Software Update (in the Applications folder) anyway as a 8MB download. Obviously, it’s not recommended if you’re starting off with less than about 30MB of free space on disk C: – in which case, you’re better off waiting for it in a firmware release. Do please comment if you spot this for another Nokia phone that wasn’t previously covered!I can’t emphasise enough how much disk space this will occupy. With the other updates for the N97 firmware (e.g. in the above list) this will cause huge problems for some people. Only install the updates that are essential. Right about now, I reckon, Nokia are firing the guy who original specified the memory side of the Nokia N97 (classic) – if he wasn’t fired some time ago…. 8-)” via allaboutsymbian.com