Close to 700,000 Palm Pre apps downloaded to date

“On Saturday, June 6th, the Palm Pre launched nationwide after roughly two years of development. Two years isn’t a whole lot of time when you think about the fact that they not only created a new device, but a new operating system and app store at the same time. The device has a sharp design (literally and figuratively), a stunning user interface, and a lot of potential to grow into a competitive platform in the smartphone market.On May 29th, 2009, 9 days before the device officially launched nationwide, the Palm Pre App Catalog went live with 4 apps (Classic, Sudoku, Today Show, and WHERE). By launch day (6/6/09), this number grew to 18 apps total and then jumped to 30 at the end of the first week (6/12/09), and has remained unchanged since. Compared to the other app stores we’ve seen so far, this number is a mere fraction on what we’ve experienced at launch, but there are a few factors that paint a picture as to why this isn’t an issue.Palm has been very selective about who they have offered their development SDK to prior to it’s expected public release later this summer. This decision stems from the fact that originally, Palm had no plans to launch their App Catalog on day one. Somewhere along the line, they changed their mind and went forward with a beta version of the App Catalog, which many would agree is much better than launching without one. Those previously developing for PalmOS were approached directly by Palm with the WebOS SDK. This offered Palm more of a launch filter than any other app store has witnessed. Also noteworthy is that aside from Palm’s App Catalog, the only other app store to have a simultaneous launch alongside the first device running its operating system is the Android Market, which launched with just over 60 apps in late October, 2008.” Read more here:

Aristotle Virtuousness Test just released for Symbian S60 5th Edition phones!

class=Content>“From the makers of the best seller ‘Personality Psychology Pro’ another interesting title about ethics and virtues.
This program is a simple 11 step test which determines how much virtuous you are according to Aristotle. Who is Aristotle? I can’t help you with that! This test should be done by someone who knows you very well.(E.g.: Family, partner, friend…)
Don’t do it yourself! After the test you will be given a score out of 100. Then you will be given detailed stats of what should be done to correct your flaws according to Aristotle.
FULLY SUPPORTS Symbian S60 5th Edition Touch Screen! (Nokia 5800, N97, Samsung Omnia HD)
1) Courage
2) Temperance
3) Liberality
4) Magnificence
5) Pride
6) Honour
7) Good Temper
8) Friendliness
9) Truthfulness
10) Wit
11) Friendship
12) Justice (Not used in the test)” Check it here:>>

Palm webOS 1.0.3 update now available

1.0.3 is out! get it now! Only 13mb this time
Version information
Version: 1.0.3
Release date: 19 June 2009
Configuration: Sprint 1.5
New applications
No new applications in update 1.0.3
Feature changes to existing applications
• Events created in your Google calendar—either in Calendar on your phone or in Google online—that contain a symbol or accented character in the event name can now synchronize. Previously, including a symbol or accented character in an event name prevented the event from synchronizing.
• Changes made to Google events on the phone now sync with Google online within a few minutes.
• The sync interval for Google events has been decreased from every few hours to every 15 minutes.
• If you create a weekday alarm on a weekend, the alarm sounds only on weekdays. Previously the alarm would sound on the weekend also.
• Changes made to Google contacts on the phone now sync with Google online within a few minutes.
• The sync interval for Google contacts has been decreased from every few hours to every 15 minutes.
• Power performance in areas where wireless coverage is sporadic or unavailable has been enhanced.
• Non-SSL Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) mail servers are now supported.
• Miscellaneous updates for Email, Phone, and other applications.” via