“This right here people is the day you’ve been waiting for. The two best Windows Mobile devices out there; the Sony XPERIA X1 and the AT&T HTC Fuze. We put them head-to-head in a bunch of tests and categories just so we could help make your decision a little bit easier. They are both fabulous phones, both are manufactured by HTC, and both are practically identical in terms of hard specs. But which one comes out on top? Which one are you going to drop a weeks pay on? Well, hit the jump and see what’s really hood with the X1 and the Fuze!” Read more here:
Review of GSM handset Motorola MOTOAURA
“Motorola has been through a lot of up and downs and its current condition, while still critical, isn’t the worst they’ve been in. At any rate, it hasn’t affected their ability to create out-of-this-world phones. And the reason why we’ve brought this up, is that the focus of this write-up, the MOTOAURA, set to land on most markets later in 2008 is another off-the-wall offering in Motorola’s portfolio. As for the “AURA” prefix – in essense, the word “aura” stands for an invisible emanation produced by and surrounding a person or object and is very rarely used in a negative sense these days, so normally it’s used to distinguish something special from the rest of the pack.” Read more here: