“Fujitsu recently unveiled its newest UMPC design at Intel Developers Forum.Despite this, not much has been released about the specs of this upcoming device, but a little more information on what this tiny tablet will be sporting has recently become available. It will use an 800 MHz processor from Intel’s Sealey line, and have 1 GB of RAM. It will also include a 40 GB hard drive.Naturally, a PC this small won’t have a CD or DVD drive, but it will include an SD card slot.This Fujitsu model will have a 5.6-inch, 1024-by-600-pixel display. This can be rotated in flip around, allowing the device to be used in either clamshell or tablet modes.There has been no word yet on pricing or exactly when this UMPC will be available, but rumors are saying possibly this summer. ” via brighthand.com