Microsoft's Origami project. PMP/DAP/Gaming/PC portable?

We’ve reported numerous times on speculation about Microsoft creating their own portable media device, and now it’s looking less like speculation, and more like the real deal. It’s called: Microsoft Origami. The Origami seems to be going for a sort of mini Laptop/Tablet PC thing (coined a “Lifestyle PC” by some analysts). Bigger than a PMP, smaller than a laptop; I’m not sure what other portable is comparable in size. It’s also clearly running some version of Windows.Otherwise, from the video it features WiFi, touchscreen with stylus, GPS navigation, motion-sensor gaming, various Windows programs, etc. From some of the pics it appears there is a “Windows button” in the bottom right corner of the device, not unlike the one found on the PMC players. Also of note, there are two different devices shown in the video. Maybe a “consumer” model with the basics, and a “prosumer” option with the real extras (GPS, etc). via

MetaView Soft's free Palm PDF Version 1.1 Released

MetaView Soft’s free and open source adobe PDF document reader has now reached version 1.1. PalmPDF is a native PDF file viewing application for Palm OS 5 devices. Palm OS PDF readerPalmPDF enables users to view native Adobe PDF documents on your mobile device. It has support for anti-alaising and truetype fonts and five way navigation. It is based on the open source Xpdf program. v1.1 updates include: Skin support, selectable support for keyboards Possibility to rename PDF files in the file browser added file handling support with RescoExplorer, ZLauncher, MobiSystems OfficeSuite etc. bugfix: Content extraction bugfix: security patch from xpdf 3.01pl2 added bugfix: MobiPocket is called with the created PalmDOC bugfix: Copy/Paste support in the search field memory check around Content-extraction, does prevent out-of-memory crahes with large files changed Scrollvalues changed progressbar a bit, extended “WAIT” to cover also the extraction of content direct mode for the apps above, means no stop in the file browser and direct exit after the renderer is closed swapped quit and rotation button on all devices except Zodiac to have quit on home button on TX when moving behind the right or left border using the keys, the display is wrapped around for better readability in large zooms when called by another app or received file (using exchange manager) PalmPDF goes back to the called app when the PDF file is closed via